Call for Applications: Building the Ecosystem of Impact Entrepreneurship in Israel
The Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (Israel), in partnership with the Jewish Funders Network, has created a $1 million matching grant initiative to help build the ecosystem of impact entrepreneurship in Israel and generate a greater ongoing philanthropic commitment to the field.
Impact entrepreneurship describes an intentional approach to addressing unmet social and environmental needs, alongside a measurable financially sustainable business model. The growing impact innovation ecosystem provides capital, products, tools and methods to address the world’s most pressing challenges in sectors such as sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and affordable and accessible basic services including housing, healthcare, and education.
The main goals of the Matching Grant Initiative are:
- To help build the ecosystem of Impact entrepreneurship in Israel.
- To fund organizations, projects and academic institutions that foster the pioneering spirit in creating new tools and innovative models for social change.
- To encourage the creation of new and innovative economic models to help alleviate social problems.
- To energize and strengthen organizations and academic institutions working in the field of social business and impact entrepreneurship.
- To use the leverage of matching funds to foster the field and bring both new funders and new funding into the field.
- To encourage funders to engage with nonprofits and other organizations on particular projects and take an active role in developing and increasing those organizations’ impact.
For the purpose of this grant, all applications must be submitted and executed through NGOs with the 46A (Israel) tax designation. Projects must enhance or expand the “ecosystem” infrastructure – this applies to both for-profit, not-for-profit initiatives as well as collaborations between the two.
The ecosystem of impact entrepreneurship, or the environment in which this operates, includes (but is not limited to): impact startup hubs/incubators/accelerators, social impact bonds, social business investment platforms, microfinance initiatives, social startup hubs/incubators/accelerators, academic & research institutions, etc.
Impact, for the purpose of this initiative, refers to intentional and measurable social and financial ROI (double or triple bottom line). Please note that this initiative is an impact grant, not an investment.
Banks, VCs, Funds of Funds, impact investment funds and individual social businesses will not qualify.
If you are interested in applying and the work you do is beyond the scope mentioned above, please contact JFN staff to discuss eligibility:
Israel inquiries: Emily Friedman-Novak at
US inquiries: Melissa Rosen at
Additonal information, including FAQs are here.
Application deadline: December 31, 2018