Birthright Launches Excel Ventures and Academic Taglit

Taglit Excel 2016Birthright Israel Excel is launching “Excel Ventures” – the first ever accelerator program where young entrepreneurs from both American universities and the Israeli Defense Forces’ most prominent tech units will join together with the goal of creating the next big startups.

During the 10 week program the young entrepreneurs will experience the critical stages of bringing an idea to life, putting a team together, finding investors and carrying out a reality-changing new concept.

As part of the program the entrepreneurs will be mentored by leading figures of the Israeli startup community.


Birthright Israel is also launching “Academic Taglit” – a 13 day program in which student participants will attend courses at Israeli academic institutes. The program will enable its participants to earn 3 academic credits at their home college or university.

The pilot with be held in conjunction with the Interdisciplinary center in Hertzelia (IDC) where they will focus on the challenge of terrorism and Ben Gurion University of the Negev where renewable energy and the desert ecosystems will be studied. Fifty American students will be participating.