BBYO’s Canadian Growth Heralds Renaissance of Jewish Teen Life Across Canada

On the heels of an exceptional year of “firsts,” BBYO is proudly celebrating its growth in membership and successful teen programming in Canada during the 2017-2018 school year. Home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the world, BBYO achieved a variety of milestones across Canada this year, including:
- Surpassing BBYO Canada membership goals beyond 1,000 teens, reflecting a 20% year-over-year growth rate;
- Launching a new year-round program in Vancouver, designed to establish a foothold in the region and relive BBYO’s rich history in the Greater Vancouver area, as well as forging a partnership with the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver (JCCGV) including a new BBYO/JCC shared staff position;
- Boasting record-breaking attendance by Canadian teens at BBYO International Convention (IC), including participation in a Canadian National Summit and a special video address by The Honorable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada;
- Establishing BBYO’s premier Chapter Leadership Training Conference (CLTC) summer program at Camp B’nai B’rith of Montreal, for the first time.
Teens across Canada participate in local programs and activities on a regular basis, which are planned by their peers, and programs include service, social, and educational components as well as larger BBYO regional conventions and international programs.