Avraham Infeld Melitz Jewish Education Venture Fund
Have you ever been inspired by Avraham Infeld?
Melitz respectfully invites financial contributions to the Avraham Infeld Melitz Jewish Education Venture Fund. This fund which will be run in close cooperation with Avraham and the Infeld family will give allocations to individuals who develop new educational projects that advance at least3 of the 5 legs of the five legged table that makes up Avraham’s core lecture.
Memory, Family, Sinai (Covenent) Hebrew and Israel are at the center of Avraham’s Jewish education approach as is his vision that the Jewish way to repair the world is best acheived by a Jewishness grounded in these values.
See much more about Avraham’s teachings at the brand new website 5leggedtable.org
The linked letter from Melitz America Board members and friends of Avraham provides much more detail about the fund and how you can support it.