Applications Open Today for UpStart Accelerator
Leading engine of Jewish innovation seeks
10th Cohort of Game–Changing Organizations
Applications open today (December 6th) for the UpStart Accelerator, the Jewish community’s leading engine behind the success of early-stage, innovative Jewish organizations. Since 2006, UpStart has served as a launch pad for nearly forty Jewish organizations, including: Moishe House, SVARA, At The Well, A Wider Bridge, and the Jewish Plays Project. UpStart recently announced a major consolidation, bringing Joshua Venture Group, Bikkurim, and the U.S. programs of PresenTense into its ranks. The consolidated UpStart plans to create a comprehensive, streamlined suite of high-quality services for innovators and communities pursuing Jewish innovation. Accelerator Cohort 10 will be the first cohort of the new UpStart, benefitting from a broader network of innovators, advisors, and funders to support the growth of their organization.
Applications are competitive and close on January 18, 2016 at 11:59pm PST.
The Accelerator provides accepted organizations with three years of training, network-building, and funding to help innovators transform vision and passion into successful, scalable Jewish social ventures. In addition to ongoing workshops and coaching, participants connect with UpStart’s advisors, alumni, and funders, developing a lifelong support network.
In addition to the Accelerator program, UpStart partners with institutions like Federations and JCCs to cultivate out-of-the-box strategic thinking and to open up new pathways for growth and impact. With the recent consolidation, UpStart plans to expand programming and to establish more regional hubs nationally.
“Starting your own organization is a thrilling, inspiring, and sometimes terrifying experience,” said Rabbi Adina Allen, Co-Founder and Creative Director of the Jewish Studio Project. “The UpStart Accelerator has not only been essential to our growth as a hub of Jewish creativity, but the ongoing community of support has been invaluable during the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.”
Round 1 of applications is open December 6-January 18. Information about the Accelerator program can be found at Applications are accepted from across the U.S. and beyond.